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Are _____ _______?
It is rude to say this so please don't. It's here to practice vocabulary and structure.
Are you old?

Are _____ _______?

Are we old?


Tony Patterson
Sep 11, 20221 min read
In this blog we will look at how to use the word 'instead'. Let's take an example sentence first. I didn't go to the supermarket today. I...
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Tony Patterson
Aug 20, 20222 min read
Why you are using 'Let's' incorrectly!
Japanese learners in particular use 'let's' grammatically correctly but unnaturally. We will first look at the correct use. Using 'let's'...
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Tony Patterson
Aug 16, 20222 min read
Starting sentences with conjunctions
See real examples of how not to start sentences with conjunctions. You can start sentences with conjunctions but not all the time.
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Tony Patterson
Aug 16, 20222 min read
Can you start a sentence with 'and'?
Can you start a sentence with and? Yes! But not always. Learn how to do it like a native English speaker.
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Tony Patterson
Aug 12, 20224 min read
A Basic Guide to Determiners
What is a 'determiner'? A determiner goes before a noun to give more information. I saw a dog. I saw the dog. I saw my dog. I saw that...
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Tony Patterson
Dec 21, 20212 min read
We will look at how to use the very useful word 'especially'. It is used to make something stand out from other things. Positive Example...
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Tony Patterson
Dec 5, 20215 min read
Christmas vocabulary
Study some Christmas vocabulary with the words broken down into 'before', 'on' and 'after' Christmas day.
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Tony Patterson
Nov 14, 20212 min read
In this blog we will look at the different ways to use the word 'just'. With verbs I just caught the bus. Meaning 1 - you did the action...
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Tony Patterson
Oct 29, 20212 min read
Is 'furniture' countable or uncountable?
Is furniture countable or uncountable? Find out here. Find out why and how to count furniture when you need to.
3,906 views0 comments

Tony Patterson
Oct 23, 20211 min read
Present Perfect vs Present Continuous
Learn the difference between the Present Continuous and the Present Perfect and when to use each one.
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Tony Patterson
Oct 23, 20211 min read
Present Perfect Tense
Read a summary of the present perfect tense and the three difference uses.
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Tony Patterson
Dec 1, 20202 min read
'A' or 'the' with ability (can)
When I was writing the lesson on ability (can) there were lots of example sentences with difference determiners (a / the). Hopefully this...
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Tony Patterson
Oct 11, 20202 min read
Adverbials of Time
We can improve our writing by using 'adverbials of time'. These modify the verb in the sentence to give more detail.
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Tony Patterson
Sep 3, 20201 min read
Reading Comprehension - Francis Bacon
"Francis Bacon's final painting will be displayed in public for the first time in the UK at a blockbuster exhibition at the Royal...
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Tony Patterson
Sep 2, 20202 min read
'So' or 'such'?
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Tony Patterson
Aug 30, 20202 min read
'Past simple' vs 'Past perfect simple'
Past simple One event that started and finished in the past. Past perfect simple One event that started and finished in the past which...
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Tony Patterson
Aug 15, 20203 min read
'These days' and 'Nowadays', and why you've probably been using them incorrectly.
Do not use 'nowadays' and 'these days' in everyday written English. Other words are more natural.
421 views0 comments

Tony Patterson
Aug 10, 20201 min read
Is 'cake' countable or uncountable?
Here we look at whether 'cake' is countable or uncountable. Can you count cake, or not? Is cake countable or uncountable?
19,257 views0 comments

Tony Patterson
Aug 6, 20202 min read
What's the difference between 'used to' and 'past continuous'?
When do we use 'used to' and 'past continuous'?
2,298 views0 comments

Tony Patterson
Jul 25, 20202 min read
"kind of"
Learn how to use the expression 'kind of' in three different ways.
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