Subject + verb 'be' + past participle verb
What is the 'passive'?
You use the passive:
in formal situations
often when writing (not speaking)
to describe a process
It is used to show that the receiver of an action is more important than the person doing the action.
In the 'passive' the receiver of the action is the subject.
Active sentence or Passive sentence
Person doing the action: barista
Receiver of the action: coffee
The active sentence has the person doing the action as the subject:
The barista made coffee.
The passive sentence has the receiver of the action as the subject:
The coffee was made.
We can then add 'who' did the action:
The coffee was made by the barista.
Person doing the action: musician
Receiver of the action: guitar
Active sentence (person doing is the subject):
The musician played the guitar.
Passive sentence (thing receiving the action is the subject):
The guitar was played.
Person doing the action: chef
Receiver of the action: the bread
Person doing the action:
Receiver of the action:
People doing the action:
Receiver of the action:
Types of passive sentence
There are three types of passive sentence:
what happened to the subject
who or what did the something to the subject
how the subject was done
Here is an example of all three sentences:

Happened: The cake was decorated.
Who / What: The cake was decorated by him.
How: The cake was beautifully decorated.
Receiver of the action: The cake
Classical Music

Symphony - a long piece of classic music
Solo - when one person plays an instrument or sings on their own
Type of passive sentence - happened
These examples will be about what happened to the receiver of the action.

The piano was played.
Receiver of the action: the piano

The symphony was written.
The symphony was composed.
Receiver of the action: the symphony

The solo was played.
The solo was performed.
Receiver of the action: the solo
Type of passive sentence - what / who
These examples will be about what or who did the action.

The solo was sung by the singer.
Receiver of the action: the solo

Receiver of the action: the symphony
Person doing the action: Beethoven
The symphony was written by Beethoven.
The symphony was composed by Beethoven.

Receiver of the action: the violin
Person doing the action: Vivaldi
The violin was played by Vivaldi.
Type of Passive sentence - how
These examples will be about how the subject was done.

Receiver of the action: the symphony
Person doing the action: the orchestra
The symphony was performed beautifully by the orchestra.

Receiver of the action: the piano
Person doing the action: Mozart
The piano was played amazingly by Mozart.

Receiver of the action: the orchetra
Person doing the action: the conductor
The orchestra was conducted carefully by the conductor.
Using the Passive
You use the passive:
in formal situations
often when writing (not speaking)
to describe a process
Formal writing - biography

Born: 1756, Salzburg
When young - performed for European Royalty
Composed lots of work in Vienna, Austria
Wrote the famous piece 'Requiem' in 1791 but didn't finish it
Mozart was born in 1751 in Salzburg, Austria. When he was young Mozart performed for European Royalty. Lots of Mozart's famous pieces were composed in Vienna, Austria. The famous piece, 'Requiem', was written in 1791 but unfinished.
Breakdown of sentences
Mozart was born in 1751 in Salzburg, Austria. - passive
When he was young Mozart performed for European Royalty. - active (Mozart did the action)
Lots of Mozart's famous pieces were composed in Vienna, Austria. - passive
The famous piece, 'Requiem', was written in 1791 but unfinished. - passive

Born: 1770, Bonn, Germany
When 21 - moved to Vienna, Austria
First symphony performed in 1800
Ninth and most famous symphony composed between 1822 - 1824
Sentence 1 - passive
Beethoven was born in 1770 in Bonn, Germany.
Sentence 2 - active
When he was 21, Beethoven moved to Vienna, Austria.
Sentence 3 - passive
His first symphony was performed in 1800.
Sentence 4 - passive
Beethoven's ninth and most famous symphony was composed between 1822 and 1824.
Describing a process
The passive is also used when you want to describe a process.
How a piano makes sound

A key is pressed by the player and a hammer strikes a string. A vibration is made by the string and that creates a sound.