Noun phrase
Start with a simple sentence about The Great Fire of London.
The Great Fire of London started at a bakery.
Add another fact using a relative clause.
The Great Fire of London, which happened in 1666, started at a bakery.
What is a 'noun'?
Nouns are:
Things / Objects
Click here if you are unsure what a noun is.
What is a 'noun phrase'?
Noun phrase = determiner + noun
A cat = A + cat
The pen = The + pen
My house = My + house
Some books = Some + books
This plate = This + plate
Review of determiners
A or The
'A / An' is one of many.
Can I have a yellow sweet please?
Yes, here you are.
There are four yellow sweets and four purple sweets. The boy wants a (one of four) yellow sweet.
'The' is one of one
Can I have the yellow sweet please?
Yes, here you are.
There is one yellow sweet and seven purple sweets. The boy wants the (one of one) yellow sweet.
This / That / These / Those
This or That
One thing
Close to you
One thing
Away from you
This present is blue. That present is red.
These or Those
Two or more things
Close to you
Two or more things
Away from you
These presents are blue. Those presents are red.
We can use a 'possessive' determiner to say who owns a noun.
This is my ball.
That is his ball.
That is her ball.