When I was young, I used to play a lot of football.
A clause is a sentence or part of a sentence. It has a subject and a verb / verb 'be'.
I was young. = clause
I used to play a lot of football. = clause
Other examples
I like cats and dogs.
I like cats and dogs. = clause
I like cats and dogs because they are fun.
I like cats and dogs = clause
they are fun = clause
I was eating my dinner.
I was eating my dinner. = clause
I was eating my dinner so we could go shopping later.
I was eating my dinner = clause
we could go shopping later. = clause
Review of grammar
Present simple: I am, I have, She eats
Past simple: I was, I had, She ate
Future simple: I will be, I will have, She will eat
Present continuous: I am having, She is eating
Present perfect: I have been, She has eaten
Future possible: I am going to, I might, She could, He may, They should
Past continuous: I was having, She was eating
When + verb 'be' + noun
When subject + verb 'be' + noun

8 o'clock

10 o'clock

When it's 8 o'clock...
When it's Christmas...
When it was summer...
When it was 1998...
When it's Halloween...
When it's Tuesday...
When it was April...
When I was a doctor...
When I am a teacher...
When + verb 'be' + adjective
When subject + verb 'be' + adjective...

When I was 8-years-old...
When I was 24-years-old...
When I'm 42-years-old...
When I was young...
When I'm old...
When + verb phrase
When subject + verb phrase

When I worked...
When I start...
When I lived...
When I joined...
When I wear...
Creating sentences
When + subject + verb 'be' + noun, clause
When + subject + verb 'be' + adjective, clause
When + subject + verb phrase, clause
When it's 8 o'clock
I always have a cup of coffee
When it's 8 o'clock, I always have a cup of coffee.
When I was young
I used to live in France
When I was young, I used to live in France.
When I live in Italy
I should speak Italian
When I live in Italy, I should speak Italian.
Christmas / buy / for / When / my / it's / I / presents / family
When it's Christmas, I buy presents for my family.
I'm / travel / around the world / going / old / When / I'm / to
When I'm old, I'm going to travel around the world.
started / my / When / excited / very / I / new / was / job / I
When I started my new job, I was very excited.
speak / in front of / I / a / When / large / people / nervous / group / of / I / get
When I speak in front of a large group of people, I get nervous.

Halloween / costume / wear / should / you / it's / When / a / scary
When it's Halloween, you should wear a scary costume.
Swap the clauses
You can swap the clauses and the sentence means the same.
When it's Christmas, I buy presents for my family.
I buy presents for my family when it's Christmas.
Note: in the second sentence I removed comma (,). It's personal preference.
When I started my new job, I was very excited.
I was very excited when I started my new job.
When my sister was 17 she went to live in Spain.
My sister went to live in Spain when she was 17.
Note: the first pronoun needs to more specific than 'she'. Therefore we make sure first pronoun is specific.
When - negative
We make the 'non-when' clause negative.
When my sister was 17 she went to live in Spain.
When my sister was 17 she did not go to live in Spain.
When I started by new job, I was very excited.
When I started by new job, I was not very excited.
When I finish work, I often have a beer.
When I finish work, I do not often have a beer.
When - questions (?)
We make the 'non-when' clause into a question.
When my sister was 17 she went to live in Spain.
When my sister was 17 did she go to live in Spain?
When I started by new job, I was very excited.
When you started by new job, were you very excited?
When I finish work, I often have a beer.
When you finish work, do you often have a beer?
Useful tip for remembering how to use 'when...'
Think of 'when...' as a time chunk. Let's take the clause: "I went to Italy" and add some time chunks.
I went to Italy.
Last night I went to Italy.
In 2019 I went to Italy.
Two years ago I went to Italy.
When I was 23 I went to Italy.
When I was a teacher I went to Italy.
When I worked as a doctor I went to Italy.
Vocabulary - Verbs
Vocabulary - Nouns

Professional customers. People that use your service.

Simple clauses:
I have exams.
I prepare reports.
I advise clients.
I have meetings with clients.
I balance the accounts.
I write reports.
I check the accounts.
When clauses:
When it's the end of the year...
When I was studying...
When I get into the office...
When clients ask...
When it's Christmas...
When the accounts are finished
Joined sentences
I had exams when I was studying.
When it's the end of the year I balance the accounts.
When I get into the office I have meetings with clients.
When clients ask I prepare reports.
When it's Christmas I write reports.
I advice clients when they ask.
When the accounts are finished I will check them.