to go to bed
To go towards your bed, ready to sleep
Present form | Past form | Continuous form | Past Participle form |
Go to bed | Went to bed | Going to bed | Gone to bed |

Present form
Go to bed
I go to bed at 10pm every night.
She goes to bed late at the weekend.
A: What time does Jenny go to bed?
B: She's 10 now so goes to bed at 9pm.
A: She's 10! Doesn't time fly.
Past form
Went to bed
I went to bed early last night. I was so tired.
He went to bed but was then woken up by a phone call.
A: You look tired?
B: Yes, I went to bed late last night.
A: Why was that?
B: I started watching a film and couldn't stop.
Continuous form
Going to bed
I'm tired. I'm going to bed.
I don't know what to do. He's not going to bed at the right time. He keeps playing-up.
A: Are you going to bed?
B: Not yet, I'm going to finish reading this chapter.
A: Okay, I'm going to bed because I have to be up early tomorrow.
B: Good night.
Past participle
Gone to bed
I've gone to bed. Can we talk in the morning?
Every one in the house has gone to bed except me. It's scary being here on my own.
A: Had you gone to bed when the door bell rang?
B: Yes, I was in bed, about to go to sleep, when it rang.
A: Were you scared?
B: Yes! Who rings the door bell at midnight!