Thinking about...
Subject + verb 'be' + thinking about + gerund phrase

I'm thinking about having it shorter.
I'm thinking about having it shorter.

We use the phrase "...thinking about..." to tell the listener what someone is thinking of doing in the future. They have not made a decision.
I'm thinking about going to Italy this summer.
I'm thinking about having sushi tonight.
We're thinking about starting a family.
My sister is thinking about leaving her job.
Vocabulary - Nouns

Vocabulary - Verbs

I'm thinking about shaving my beard.
I'm thinking about shaving off my beard.
*The 'off' emphasises that it will be completely removed

I'm thinking about cutting my hair.
We can add a preposition at the end to add detail.
I'm thinking about cutting my hair at the front.
I'm thinking about cutting my hair at the back.
I'm thinking about cutting my hair at the sides.

I'm thinking about colouring my hair.
We can add an adjective to add detail.
I'm thinking about colouring my hair red.
I'm thinking about colouring my hair black.
I'm thinking about colouring my hair brown.

I'm thinking about trimming my hair.
We can add by + length to say how much.
I'm thinking about trimming my hair by a few inches.
I'm thinking about trimming my hair by this much.

I'm thinking about straightening my hair.
Answer + tomorrow
I'm thinking about straightening my hair tomorrow.

I'm thinking about dying my hair.
Answer + red
I'm thinking about dying my hair red.
Answer + at the tips
I'm thinking about dying my hair at the tips.

I'm thinking about cutting my hair.
Answer + by + a few inches
I'm thinking about cutting my hair by a few inches.
Answer + at the front
I'm thinking about cutting my hair at the front.
Using it with the gerund 'having'
Subject + verb 'be' + thinking about + having + noun + adjective

Subject + verb 'be' + thinking about + having + noun + adjective
I + am + thinking about + having + my hair + shorter
I am thinking about having my hair shorter.

Subject + verb 'be' + thinking about + having + noun + adjective
I + am + thinking about + having + it + darker
I am thinking about having it darker.

Subject + verb 'be' + thinking about + having + noun + adjective
I'm thinking about having my hair shoulder length.
shoulder length

Subject + verb 'be' + thinking about + having + noun + adjective
I'm thinking about having my hair longer.

Subject + verb 'be' + thinking about + having + noun + adjective
I'm thinking about having my hair curled.
Other ways to say it...
Subject + verb 'be' + thinking of + gerund
We can replace 'about' with 'of'.
I'm thinking of cutting my hair.
She's thinking of dying her hair.
We're thinking of going to Italy this year.
What's the difference between 'about' and 'of'?
There isn't one. Pick which you like and use it.
Subject + verb 'be' + considering + gerund
We can replace 'thinking about / of' with 'considering'.
I'm considering shaving my hair.
She's considering cutting her hair shorter.
We're considering moving to America next year.
What's the difference between 'thinking about / of' and 'considering'?
If you say 'considering' it means the thing needs a lot of thought. It is used for 'big' decisions.