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Level 2 - Reading Comprehension
In this exercise you will study:
Which dress is for me?
Amy: I'm going out next weekend and need a new dress.
Beth: What colour?
Amy: I'm not sure. What do you think?
Beth: You should get a long, pink dress. That will look really cute.
Charlie: I think you should get a black dress. You can never go wrong with black.
Amy: I shouldn't get a pink dress because they don't suit me. Should I get a long or short black dress?
Beth: You should get a long one as it will be cold next weekend.
Charlie: Well, you should wear tights anyway.
What does Amy need to go out next weekend?
Answer 1
What colour dress does Beth suggest?
Answer 1
What colour dress does Charlie suggest?
Answer 1
Why does Beth suggest a long dress?
Answer 1
What else does Charlie think Amy should wear?
Answer 1
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