Verb - to go
This means that you move from somewhere to somewhere else.
Train station
I go home.
I go to the train station.
Vocabulary - Nouns

Present tense - go
Let's break it down:
Subject + go + preposition + noun / noun phrase
I go to the train station.
He goes to the cinema.
She goes to the bank.
They go to the supermarket.
You go to the gym.
It goes to the cafe.
We go to the museum.
Look at the subjects [Proper noun], he, she and it. The spelling of the verb changes to add an 's', or 'es'. This is important so please remember it.
A: Where do you go every Saturday?
B: I go to the supermarket.
A: Do you go to school?
B: Yes, I go everyday.
A: Where do you go to university?
B: I go to Bristol University.
We will use 'the' for all place names.
"I go to the cinema."
Past tense - went
Break it down:
Subject + verb + preposition + noun / noun phrase
I went in the supermarket.
He went in the museum.
She went in the cafe.
They went in the gym.
You went in the train station.
It went in the bank.
We went in the cinema.
Note that the verb does not change depending on the subject.
A: Where did you go yesterday?
B: I went in the cinema.
A: Did you go to the museum today?
B: No, I went in the bank.
A: What did your brother do yesterday?
B: He went in the gym.
to vs. in

I went to the bank.

I went in the bank.

He went in the cinema.
in = must go 'in' the building / place
to = travel towards the building / place. You can go 'in'.

I went to the bank.
I went in the bank.

I went to the bank.
I went in the bank.
Other prepositions
The words 'to' and 'in' are prepositions that can be used with 'go'.
Here are some others but you do not need to know them now:
I went with my friends.
I go against the grain.
I'm going for a jog.
She went up the ladder.
He went down the stairs.