Verb - to do
This is a strange verb. You can 'do' homework, washing-up, make-up, crossword and other things. All of them 'look' different.

Present tense - do
'Do' is very useful verb to use in a question because it is a general verb to get to a specific verb. For example:
A: What are you doing?
B1: I'm doing my homework.
B2: I am doing the washing-up.
B3: I'm having dinner.
Let's break it down.
Subject + present tense verb + noun / noun phrase
She does her homework.
I do my homework.
He does his homework.
You do your homework.
It does its homework.
Note that the subjects (he, she and it) change the verb so there is an 'es' at the end.
A: What does she do every night?
B: She does her homework.
Past tense - did
Let's break it down.
Subject + past tense verb + noun / noun phrase
She did the washing-up.
I did the washing-up
He did the washing-up.
You did the washing-up.
It did the washing-up.
They did the washing-up.
A: What did they do last week?
B: They did all their homework.
Continuous tense - doing
Let's break it down.
Subject + verb 'be' + continuous verb + noun / noun phrase
We are doing nothing.
I am doing nothing.
She is doing nothing.
He is doing nothing.
You are doing nothing.
It is doing nothing.
They are doing nothing.
A: What are you doing?
B: I'm doing the housework.
A: Are you doing anything special?
B: Not really. I'm doing the dishes.
A: What is your sister doing?
B: She is doing her make-up.